Donner boekenweek
Mathilde Simon profiel Rotterdam Centrum
Written by Mathilde Simon
April 13, 2022

From 9 to 18 April it will be the 87th Book Week. This year's theme? 'First love'! This year it will not end on the traditional Sunday, but on Easter Monday. And the Book Week Gift? This year it's the book written by Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer.

First Love

"A first love overwhelms you with feelings and desires that you did not know before, that you could not have suspected. A new world full of needs, urges, insecurities and doubts reveals itself to you and to give words to those emotions, we turn to the poets and writers again and again. They give words to love, in all its beauty and complexity. First loves reverberate throughout your life and continue to provide a warm feeling, a slight confusion or outright homesickness."

A wonderful description on Donner about a first love, as that it this year's theme during the 87th Book Week.

Book Week Gift

Anyone who buys Dutch-language books for more than 15 euros will receive the Book Week Gift this year. A nice present, if you ask us, because this year Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer has put his bliss in Monterosso mon amour. An ode to the people who keep the world of books alive, such as booksellers, librarians and lecture organizers.

This year's Book Week Essay was written by Marieke Lucas Rijneveld, called The Warmth Fort. In this, Marieke takes you back to the time of primary school, with an important role for teachers.

Donner boekenweek interview
Donner boekenweekgeschenk

More books

Besides the Book Week Gift and the Book Week Essay, there are of course more books in the spotlight. For example, check out the tips from the Donner booksellers when it comes to their first love in books.

You will also find some nice discounts during the Book Week. Fiction, non-fiction, cookbooks and other top titles. View the overview of the best 'first love' books here.

Will we see you at Donner this week?

Mathilde Simon profiel Rotterdam Centrum
Written by Mathilde Simon
April 13, 2022
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