Fenix loods en Walhalla Rotterdam
Mathilde Simon profiel Rotterdam Centrum
Written by Mathilde Simon
September 6, 2022

On Friday 23 and Saturday 24 September, the Cross Comix festival will take place at the Walhalla canteen in Katendrecht. This means two days of learning and enjoying comics and stories. A weekend for the real enthusiasts!

During the weekend you will meet dozens of makers in the Cross Comix Atelier. With the theme 'Stories from the city and beyond' there is a lot to see and experience. You can read and/or buy zines with cartoons from all over the world, you can learn to screen print and you can hear more about wartime comics on one of the Show & Tell programmes.

To make the experience extra fun, drink a beer and enjoy tasty snacks on the Deliplein and in the Fenix Food Factory.

Two-day festival

The festival lasts for two days, with Friday for students and young makers and Saturday for the public. Friday is already sold out, but tickets are still available on Saturday. Do you want to be here? Order your ticket via the button below!

Fenix loods en Walhalla Rotterdam
Cross Comix Festival
Are you a comic book lover? Then buy your tickets quickly!
Mathilde Simon profiel Rotterdam Centrum
Written by Mathilde Simon
September 6, 2022
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