Expositie Koopgoot 25 jaar
Mathilde Simon profiel Rotterdam Centrum
Written by Mathilde Simon
December 8, 2021

Are you shopping in the Koopgoot in December? Then walk past this pop-up location, where you can see beautiful street art.

Happy monsters

Throughout the month, the walls of this pop-up space will be decorated with paintings by street artist Ox-Alien. You may know him from his cheerful monsters that can be found all over the city.

Why? Because the Koopgoot exists 25 years! And that has to be celebrated. During this exhibition, visitors can share their memories or anecdotes about the Koopgoot in the speech bubbles by means of post-its.


Also very handy is the public toilet that is present in this room. In case of a toilet emergency, you can safely pay a visit here in between shopping.

Opening hours

The opening hours of the space are Wednesday to Sunday from 12:00 to 17:00. Will we see you there?

Expositie Koopgoot 25 jaar
Koopgoot 25 jaar street art Ox Alien
Mathilde Simon profiel Rotterdam Centrum
Written by Mathilde Simon
December 8, 2021
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