And the winner is...

The final of the Red Bull Doodle Art 2023 in Rotterdam

Red Bull Doodle Art 2023 winner

Thursday 23 March was the grand finale of the Red Bull Doodle Art 2023 in art centre Roodkapje in Rotterdam. A final in which the very best 'doodlers' could express themselves in a creative and artistic way. And the winner? That's Jyoti Dhanpal!

Jyoti Dhanpal: "I didn't expect to be invited to the National Final and also win; that's very special! During the World Final I hope to meet many other artistic people and to further develop my art style."

This year's National Jury consisted of Sioe Jeng Tsao, Dylan Hoogerwerf, Daniel Claessens and Sem Kuipers. It was a unanimous decision when they chose the doodle of 24-year-old Jyoti Dhanpal. "Jyoti was without a doubt the winner for us, because she brought out the contrast between dark and light in her doodle."

Red Bull Doodle Art 2023 visitors
Red Bull Doodle Art 2023 judges


Doodling is a creative expression in which you mindlessly put small drawings on paper. You can see it as 'just' scribbling, but for some it has become an art form. To give a platform to the creativity of students and other people worldwide, Red Bull organizes the World Doodle Championship. The fifteen best finalists were invited to art centre Roodkapje in Rotterdam on Thursday evening. Their doodles were exhibited and judged by the National jury.

Representing the Netherlands

It doesn't end here for Jyoti. Because on May 27 she will represent our country in the World Final in Amsterdam! Here, the 61 best doodle artists in the world compete for the title. This year's finalists will convert their doodles into NFTs (non-fungible tokens) on the blockchain. This way they have a chance to be selected as the winner of Red Bull Doodle Art 2023.

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