Iffr herofoto3 filmtip rotterdam
Profielfoto Thijs introtekst
Written by Thijs van Lith
February 1, 2023

There is a good chance that you will encounter the tiger on the street of Rotterdam. The International Film Festival Rotterdam has started again!

This means that the city's various cinemas, theatres and movie houses will once again open their doors to a wide range of films from all over the world. From Art Directions movies to the Middle East's biggest blockbuster, or even some VR works, there's something for everyone.

Diego Hoefel's debut film Represa

I myself chose to go to the film Represa by Diego Hoefel. This Brazilian film of over an hour tells the story of Lucas who, after the death of his mother, travels to his hometown in remote Castanhão, in the northeast of the country, to sell the piece of land he has inherited. For this, however, he appears to need permission from his brother, whom he did not know until his arrival there.

Opening Represa

Time for a Q&A

During the subsequent Q&A session and drinks, Diego and his crew take all the time to answer questions from the audience. This revealed, among other things, that the aim of the film is to break through all stereotypes and to show the differences between North and South. The film shows a different Brazil than you are probably used to. The focus is always more on the south with cities such as Brasilia and of course the well-known Rio de Janeiro. Represa therefore only contains music from northern Fortaleza, the capital of the northern state of Ceará, where Castanhão is also located.

Also nice to mention is that that movie was shot with both professional actors and amateurs. All in all, Represa is a well-layered piece of Brazilian drama that gives you an insight into the lesser-known parts of the South American country.

QA Represa

Culinary trips

Now that the entire city is dominated by the IFFR and you can see a tiger on almost every street corner, the creative atmosphere that surrounds the city has also found its way into the kitchen.

For example, Dudok has been completely rebranded in IFFR atmospheres and the Kaapse Brouwers have brewed an exclusive beer that is only available from 23 January to 3 February: the Kaapse Tijger. This one seems to go perfectly with Dudok's Tijger serving platter. So be sure to drop by to talk about all the beautiful things you've seen.

Are you present at one of the IFFR screenings this year?

Profielfoto Thijs introtekst
Written by Thijs van Lith
February 1, 2023
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