Kinderen Ontdekken De Maritieme Wereld Bij Professor Plons Fred Ernst
Sil Lamens
Written by Sil Lamens
August 18, 2022

The Maritime Museum closes the summer with the Maritime Festival! A programme full of activities for young and old will start from August 27 to September 4.

Rotterdam is a port city in heart and soul. For centuries, the port of Rotterdam was the largest in the world and still no port in Europe can match that of Rotterdam. In order to draw attention to the illustrious past and the present of the port, the Maritime Museum is organizing the Maritime Festival in the run-up to and during the World Port Days!

A full programme

During the Maritime Festival you can participate in a lot of awesome activities that give a glimpse into life in the port. For example, an interactive app is being launched with which everyone can help build an informative map about the banks of the Maas.

You can participate in a rowing course, there is a blacksmith in action, an acrobat will swing cranes, there is a photo exhibition and dozens of awesome workshops!

So plenty to do, while the Nieuwe Maas also exists for a staggering 150 years, which means there will be a lot of attention for that as well!

Maritiem Museum horeca Fotografie Marco de Swart 54
Maritiem museum rotterdam smid foto marco de swart 02


Throughout the summer, the port of Rotterdam will be cleaned of waste such as plastic. But what if not all of this is waste is plastic? The Maritime Museum, together with schoolchildren, local residents and the University of Wageningen, will subject all plastic to a random sample.

The sample should provide insight into what can still be used from all this waste! That way it still comes in handy. Anyone who wants to can also participate in a workshop where old silks are painted and then made into bags. How cool is that?

Maritiem Museum rotterdam Theo de Man
Maritiem Museum Haven fotografie Jan van der Ploeg 26

Guest ships

Every day during the Maritime Festival, the port is full of the most special ships that come to take a look at the port of Rotterdam especially for the festival.

For example, Time is Money, the last parlevinker in the Netherlands, comes along. In the past, shippers preferred not to do their shopping ashore, because that took too much time. They did this at a parlevinker. So a parlevinker is actually a kind of floating supermarket, and you are most welcome to take a look on board!

Kinderen Ontdekken De Maritieme Wereld Bij Professor Plons Fred Ernst


Cruise Maritime District

How cool is it to take a cruise through the most beautiful Maritime District in the Netherlands? Under the guidance of a skipper you will discover all (old) ports in the centre of Rotterdam. You will pass the Wijnhaven, Leuvehaven, Oude Haven and the Haringvliet. The latter is special, because the port of Rotterdam once originated here!

Historical Cruise

During the historical cruise you will learn everything about the history of the city of Rotterdam. You sail past icons such as the Erasmus Bridge and the SS Rotterdam and learn everything about the museum ships and of course the crew tells you everything about the ship you are on!

Maritiem District Scheepmakershaven Hester Blankestijn
Maritiem Museum Rotterdam museumhaven Fotografie Marco de Swart

Do you have sea legs? Order your tickets here and discover the maritime life!

Sil Lamens
Written by Sil Lamens
August 18, 2022
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