Living heritage

Discover the Open Monument Day Rotterdam 2024

Zicht op Zuid vanaf het dak van het Witte Huis Foto Eric Fecken

Soon it will be time again for Open Monument Day in Rotterdam. This means that the doors of more than 50 Rotterdam monuments will open their doors to the public. Curious about what that entails? Read it here!

On Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September, many Rotterdam monuments will open their doors to the public again during Open Monument Day Rotterdam. In 2024 the event will be dedicated to 'On the road! - Routes, networks and connections', briefly summarized as 'On the road!'. It's all about the journey you make during Open Monument Day, in which you connect the past, present and future, and in which you travel from new to old. The journey between the destinations and the way you experience the monuments also play an important role.

Discover Rotterdam's monuments

The great icons of Rotterdam, such as the medieval Laurenskerk, the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Van Nelle Factory and the museum house Huis Sonneveld will open their doors this weekend. Like never before, you can view the city's monuments and learn more about its history.

You can also visit the Schiebroekselaan Atomic Air Raid Shelter, a bunker from the Cold War. In the 1990s, local residents saw the value of this place and ensured that it was preserved. Furthermore, the club building of the Rotterdam Sailing Association, designed by Willem van Tijen (1894-1974); the Schiecentrale, Rotterdam's first electricity factory; the revolutionary residential complex Justus van Effencomplex and Koningshavenbrug De Hef are all included in the programme.

The complete programme

With more than 50 monuments on the programme, there is always one you don't want to miss. Curious about the entire programme and what there is to experience in the monument? Discover it via the link below.

Open Monumentendag Rotterdam
Discover the entire programme here
Bezoekers tijdens OMD 2022 in de Oude Haven Foto Eric Fecken


Because there is so much to see, Open Monument Day worked with Urban Guides to develop walking, cycling and public transport routes through different parts of the city. The routes are beautifully illustrated by Caroline Ellerbeck and provide historical facts, interesting facts, portraits of people 'on the route' and other background information about the monuments and the neighbourhoods in which they are located.

Download the routes for free via this link and hit the road. The routes are also available in print at their information point during the monument weekend!
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