Bistrot Bar Frère Dave Vos 2
Sil Lamens
Written by Sil Lamens
December 30, 2022

Rotterdam will always continue to innovate. It is therefore not surprising that many new things have been added to the food cuisine recently. Below are three great new restaurants that deserve a visit!

Supa food

A name that says a lot. Supafood is a place full of super foods! With super food we mean of course the healthiest of the healthiest, but it must of course also be very tasty. Supafood lives up to its name.

You put together your Supabowl, a bowl full of vegetables and protein, all by yourself. You can put together a vegetarian dish, but you can also supplement your bowl with, for example, chicken or salmon. In addition to delicious bowls, you can also opt for a delicious wrap, which is also very well filled.

Square 47

At the new Square 47 on the Karel Doormanstraat you can indulge yourself all day long. Coffee with fresh cake, a delicious snack or a light lunch and of course a delicious dinner.

At Square 47, which owes its name to the Schouwburgplein, which was built in 1947, not one kitchen is central. The fun is that there is something for everyone at the versatile restaurant. Yet one part of the kitchen really catches the eye: their extensive selection of seafood.

Square 47's subtitle reads food and wine bar. You can therefore go here for a delicious red or white wine, as there is a wide range of special and beautiful wines that are waiting to be tasted!

Square 47 1
Square 47 2

Bistrot-Bar Frère

At Bistrot-Bar Frère, in the heart of Blijdorp (about a 20-minute walk from RC), you can enjoy delicious French cuisine.

At Frère they work with a “petite faim” and “grande faim” (little hunger, big hunger) system. Are you very hungry? Then you go for the grande faim and if you have less appetite, then you go for the petite faim. If you fancy a three course menu, you can! Then just take the petite faim first, then the grande faim and then a dessert.

Bistrot Bar Frère Dave Vos 2
Bistrot Bar Frère Bistrot Dave Vos
Sil Lamens
Written by Sil Lamens
December 30, 2022
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