2023 11 07 BANLIEUE3860 high res
Lisanne van Beurden profiel Rotterdam Centrum
Written by Lisanne van Beurden
December 29, 2023

Great news! Clan de Banlieue has a new location on the Korte Lijnbaan. Here you can shop an extensive collection of tracksuits, jackets and accessories. Read on for more info!

Lifestyle brand

Clan de Banlieue is a lifestyle brand founded in 2014. It all started with a school project, where one of the founders designed a T-shirt and started selling it via Instagram. The T-shirt quickly gained popularity and caught the attention of people from all over the country.

With their raw and authentic style they managed to attract a loyal community of fashion lovers. In 2017, Clan de Banlieue opened their very first store at Zaagmolendrift in North Rotterdam.

From North to the Centre

Some time ago the store changed locations. From the Zaagmolendrift in Rotterdam North it was moved to the Korte Lijnbaan. The main reason for the move? The brand has experienced significant growth in recent years.

At their location on the Korte Lijnbaan, they have no fewer than three floors and an area of 600 m2. This larger location also comes with a more extensive range. The ground floor will be dedicated to the store, and their office will move to other floors in the building.

Visit their store on the Korte Lijnbaan
Banlieue webshop
Curious about what's in the collection this season? Check it out here!
Lisanne van Beurden profiel Rotterdam Centrum
Written by Lisanne van Beurden
December 29, 2023
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