Diverse locaties Rotterdam

Rotterdam Architectuur Maand 2024

to Sunday 30 June
393 A9952a Florine van Rees 1
037 het podium cossip


to Sunday 30 June

Diverse locaties Rotterdam

Diverse locaties 1
3013 AL Rotterdam

Cultureel festival, Festival Rotterdam Architectuur Maand 2024

In June, the largest architecture festival in the Netherlands about the future of the city will take place in the Museum Park. There is something to do for everyone, regardless of knowledge or experience with architecture. Zigzag through the green gardens, delve into the rich history and be surprised by ideas for the future. The RA Month connects the various institutions, places and stories in the Museum Park with a route and stories. The festival heart is located in the Museum Park, but the entire programming consists of approximately 140 events spread over more than 50 locations.

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