Sea in sight

View the sand sculptures in Rotterdam Centre

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From July 6, very special works of art will be placed in the city. Sand sculptures to be exact! In honour of the metro line to Hoek van Holland, we simply bring the coast of our country to the city centre.

Sea in sight

With the arrival of the Hoek van Holland metro line, the coastline will come very close. Nowadays you can be on the beach in 37 minutes!

Such big news can't go without celebration. That is why no less than eight cool sand sculptures will be placed in Rotterdam Centre. Sculptures in the form of iconic buildings in Rotterdam, such as Central Station and the Cube Houses.

From July 6, the artists will start working on the sand sculptures. From then on you can follow the route that starts at Central Plaza and ends at metro station Blaak, to see all the works of art. The sand sculptures will decorate the city centre until August 6.

Do you want to follow the entire route? Then keep the map below at hand, so you don't miss any of them!

Build your own sand sculptures

Viewing the sand sculptures is of course fun, but it's even more fun to get started yourself! On Wednesday July 12, Saturday July 22, Wednesday July 26 and Saturday August 5, we offer the kids the opportunity to start creating themselves. Between 10 AM and 3 PM we roll up our sleeves and let the young artists-to-be do their thing.

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