Pure jazz

Museum Rotterdam becomes Underground Jazz Club

Museum 1940 1945 rotterdam

Put it in your calendar: on Friday night, September 13, Museum Rotterdam will transform into an Underground Jazz Club, completely in the style of the 1940s. Entrance is free!

Jazz history

After the devastating bombing of May 14, 1940, the need for a different reality is great. Dancing bans, curfews and blackouts make little impression on a population that wants to go out. In Rotterdam, Katendrecht, with its whorehouses, gambling dens and opium dens, is off limits to German soldiers. Right here you can still hear pure jazz.

The Dutch government wants to regain control of the youth that ran wild during the war after the liberation with a swing ban. A ban that does not apply in the Underground Jazz Club of Museum Rotterdam. The exciting sounds of the Rotterdam Jazz Band ensure that you cannot sit still!

Verboden niet te swingen

The Tuschinski Festival

Jazz club Museum Rotterdam is part of the programming of the Tuschinski Festival (13 and 14 September). The festival is all about performances, exhibitions and walks to honour the legacy of Rotterdam entrepreneur Abraham Tuschinski.

Practical information

Location Jazz Club: Museum Rotterdam '40 - '45 NU, Coolhaven 375 Rotterdam
Date: Friday September 13, 2024
Time: 8:00 PM – 12:00 AM
Entrance: Free

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