
Visit Rotterdam Pride 2024!

Rotterdam Pride Kim de Hoop 4

Good news! Rotterdam Pride will take place this year. In the last week of September, the city turns into all the colours of the rainbow again. This annual event spotlights LGBTQIA+ emancipation and acceptance by coming together and celebrating freedom.


It was uncertain for a long time whether Pride in Rotterdam would take place, because the foundation that organized the annual event was declared bankrupt in May. This foundation was responsible for many of the activities and promotion of Pride. Unfortunately, the foundation's financial situation turned out to be in a bad state, meaning it could not meet its payment obligations.

Erasmusbrug pride Rotterdam 2019 Spark Content Creatie
Pride at the Erasmus Bridge in 2019.

Pride continues!

Fortunately, Pride will still take place at the end of this month! Chantal van der Putten, who organizes many of the components of the upcoming Pride, emphasizes in an article in the AD the importance of annually reflecting on the LGBTQIA+ community and the right to be yourself. “Especially at a time when society seems to be hardening, this is especially important in a city like Rotterdam,” she says.

Together with other organizations, such as GayRotterdam, COC Rotterdam, The Hang-Out 010, Ketelbinkie and the Municipality of Rotterdam, she has done everything she can to make Pride in Rotterdam possible. And they succeeded!

Various activities

Various activities are planned from September 20 to 29. The new Gers magazine will be launched on September 20, completely in Pride theme. On September 27 you can participate in the Pride March, which ends in the centre of Rotterdam, and from September 26 to 28, Roze Horeca organizes the Queer Fest, including drag bingo and other parties.

Will you be there during Pride?!

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