A place to pee Rotterdam Centrum
Mathilde Simon profiel Rotterdam Centrum
Written by Mathilde Simon
October 20, 2021

You're probably familiar with the feeling when you're shopping in the city centre, but you can't hold it any longer. You have to pee. Fortunately, there are designated places that are neatly maintained to make a pit stop. What a relief!

It's been a well known stop that has been closed for a while, but luckily the public toilet at Beurs station is open again. Under McDonald's and City Lens to be precise. At 'A place to pee' you can make a quick stop from Monday to Saturday, from 07:00 to 19:00. On Sundays this is from 12:00 to 19:00.

Do not forget to bring some cash, because a visit to the toilet costs 70 cents. Pin will also be possible soon.

We kennen 'm al van enkele tijd terug, maar gelukkig is het openbare toilet op station Beurs weer geopend. Om precies te zijn onder McDonald's en City Lens. Bij 'A place to pee' kan je van maandag t/m zaterdag terecht voor een boodschap, van 07.00 tot 19.00 uur. Op zondag is dit van 12.00 tot 19.00 uur.

Vergeet niet wat contant geld mee te nemen, want een toiletbezoek kost 70 cent. Binnenkort zal ook pinnen mogelijk zijn.

Mathilde Simon profiel Rotterdam Centrum
Written by Mathilde Simon
October 20, 2021
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