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Abseiling from WTC Rotterdam

WTC vrouw Iris van den Broek
Mathilde Simon profiel Rotterdam Centrum
Written by Mathilde Simon
May 9, 2022

This is a very unique opportunity, because on June 10 you can abseil for the Make-A-Wish foundation off WTC Rotterdam and collect a great amount of money for charity. A priceless view and a once-in-a-lifetime experience for you, while making a difference for seriously ill children.

Rope for Hope

Rope for Hope is an action by the Make-A-Wish foundation in which three World Trade Centers in the three largest cities in the Netherlands make their towers available for abseiling. Everyone can participate and try to raise as much money as possible for charity.

In addition to Amsterdam and The Hague, Rotterdam is of course taking part. WTC Rotterdam is no less than 93 meters high and is located right in the centre. The perfect place to experience something so unforgettable.

Abseiling and contributing

It is certainly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. With this priceless view it is a unique opportunity for any daredevil who likes a challenge. But you don't have to do it alone, you can also put together a team, form a duo or challenge your colleagues. Each form of participation comes with a different amount of money that you need to collect in order to participate. Are you not very good at finding sponsors but still want to help? No problem, Make-A-Wish shares various sponsor tips to raise the amount.


For years, the Make-A-Wish foundation has been making wishes come true from seriously ill children. They do everything they can, because realizing a dearest wish gives young patients and their family strength and confidence again. They don't do this alone. Together with caring volunteers, parents, hospital and partners, they make the impossible unforgetable.


After reading, did you get the last push to register? Fantastic! Register here for Rope for Hope and we'll see you abseiling from WTC Rotterdam on June 10!

Mathilde Simon profiel Rotterdam Centrum
Written by Mathilde Simon
May 9, 2022
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