On a safari!

Admire the wild life in the Lijnbaan display

Cinema Biotoop Wild Life vitrine lijnbaan Rotterdam
Lisanne van Beurden profiel Rotterdam Centrum
Written by Lisanne van Beurden
August 5, 2021

Admire the latest exhibition in the Lijnbaan display! Here you see a small landscape with a resident as small as a fingertip. Through the viewers on the glass you zoom in and you can see how he lives.

You can see him bobbing on a leaf, trying to catch a spider and roasting his prey over a campfire. It gives a glimpse into his 'wild life' on the other side of the glass, far away from the busy city.

Cinema Biotope 'Wild Life'

This cinema biotope was invented by Charlotte van Otterloo. In her works she seeks to create a world that provides the viewer with a total experience.

For this installation, Charlotte has used 'object trouvé', such as bath mats, foam rubber and the bristles of a brush. These mosses and plants have adapted to their habitat of the busy city.

'Stereocopy' is used on the screens, like the view masters of the past. By filming two images from a slightly different angle and viewing them by the specially composed viewers, the film image gets depth.

A quick stop while shopping

It is a special exhibition that is fun for young and old. Take a short break while shopping and admire the exhibition!

Cinema Biotoop Wild Life vitrine reveal lijnbaan Rotterdam
Cinema biotoop lijnbaan vitrine van dichtbij
Lisanne van Beurden profiel Rotterdam Centrum
Written by Lisanne van Beurden
August 5, 2021
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