Petra en Bingo
Petra Bijvoet
Written by Petra Bijvoet
March 4, 2024
Founder & social strategist Hashtag Junkies

I am a born and bred Rotterdammer and can be found in Rotterdam Centre every week. There's nothing like exploring the streets and alleys and then settling down somewhere. Walking through the city and then relaxing on a fun terrace is one of my favourite activities!

Amazing Oriental Rotterdam Centre

One of my favourite stops is the Asian supermarket on West Kruiskade. Once the location of the former Watt and Nighttown clubs, this street has now made way for the Amazing Oriental, where I like to immerse myself in a world of Asian flavours and ingredients.

Because of my passion for Oriental cuisine, I regularly go exploring here, always with the challenge of taking home at least three new items. I am currently completely captivated by Japanese cuisine and am planning to make onigiri at home this weekend. This is a Japanese snack in the shape of a triangle, consisting of rice with filling, wrapped in seaweed. At Amazing Oriental I can find all the necessary ingredients for this.

It's truly a one-stop-shop experience! In addition, there are often cooking demonstrations and tastings on weekends, which makes the visit extra fun.

‘I am currently completely captivated by Japanese cuisine and am planning to make onigiri at home this weekend.’

Restaurants where your dog is also welcome

As the proud owner of a dachshund named Bingo, I also spend a lot of time with my furry companion. That's why I always look for cafes and restaurants where dogs are welcome. Over the years I have put together a list of places that Bingo and I can visit together, which includes Rotown, Café Stalles, Kaapse Maria, Copperbranch, Niko's (the restaurant of Kino), Hotel New York, Sherlock's Place, 21 Pinchos, Brasserie Pierre, La Bru and the Westerpaviljoen. It's wonderful to sit down halfway through a long walk, order something to drink, people watch and then continue our journey.

Petra en Bingo
Kop van Zuid Hotel New York Beelden van Enith

Favourite shops: vintage, skincare and perfumes

When it comes to shopping, I have my own favourites. For example, I love fragrances and skin care products, which is why you can regularly find me at Lush in the Koopgoot. The wonderful scents greet you from afar and the staff is always friendly and helpful.

I like to buy shampoo and body sprays at Lush, and I also appreciate that so much attention is paid to sustainable packaging materials. In addition, the Bijenkorf has an extensive selection of fragrances and skincare that I love to take home.

As for clothing, I find my way at Kilo Kilo, where vintage clothing is sold by the kilo. Fashion is important to me, and by buying vintage items I am not only being sustainable, but I also look unique!

LUSH Rotterdam Koopgoot
Kilo Kilo vintage Rotterdam voor

Thanks for sharing, Petra!

Petra Bijvoet
Written by Petra Bijvoet
March 4, 2024
Founder & social strategist Hashtag Junkies
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