Stekelvarken Rotterdam filmopnames
Mathilde Simon profiel Rotterdam Centrum
Written by Mathilde Simon
January 5, 2022

Did you spot it? This huge porcupine that roamed the Coolsingel and made many people rub their eyes. Of course, this is not a newly discovered species, but a huge installation made for a special purpose.

A number of passers-by had to blink twice when this huge animal crossed the Coolsingel together with a young girl. Also for Monique Wilke, who was so quick to reach for her phone. But soon the context of the situation made things a lot clearer.

Rotterdam is the stage for a new children's film called 'Totem'. A film about Ama (11), daughter of failed asylum seekers from Senegal. Hoping to find her father, she wanders through wintery Rotterdam. However, she does not do this alone, but together with her totem animal: a gigantic porcupine.

Hopefully we'll see the porcupine walking around our beautiful centre again soon! Don't forget to tag us in your photos with #RotterdamCentrum.

Mathilde Simon profiel Rotterdam Centrum
Written by Mathilde Simon
January 5, 2022
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